Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Vote! It's your duty!

And you could win some cool prizes!

All you have to do is click here, and add a comment on which item you think is the coolest.

If you wanted to vote for me, I made number 7!


Chasing Snails said...

I *love* this pillow, it is so damn cute! Great job!

I was going to go and vote but it is only open to US residents, bah!

PS: Received my parcel, I am so, so, so happy! The print and Brooch are fabbo! I will give a shout out on my blog soon.


BunnyKissd said...

#5 is pretty but none are as great as that cute little rat! ^-^ Voted!

Chrisy said...

Well I didn't know you made no 7 but that's the one I picked! Beautiful!