Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I'm still here...

I have been so busy that my free time has been filled with all the stuff I still have to do. I'm tired, I'm frustrated, and I asked for it!

If I didn't mention, I got the promotion, and the head aches that go with it. I was actually doing great for a bit there, then reality set in. We have been extremely busy the last few days and I've been so frustrated that my eyes keep tearing up at work. Luckily I haven't full-on cried yet, although I was REALLY close to it yesterday. My supervisor was with me, and I think my tears motivated her to work harder that night. I don't cry. Ever. I get angry and I yell when I'm upset, but these last few days I've just felt defeated. Ten hour days followed by making dinner and doing laundry. I know I'll adjust. I just haven't found my balance yet. (Oh, did I mention I'm still taking three classes? The semester ends next month.)

I've been really itching to knit lately. I haven't picked up the needles in a while, and I think tonight might be the night. I've just been thinking about it since Saturday. Hopefully I can post a FO soon.


Tara said...

Welcome back to the blogosphere! Thank God for the end of the semester! It will alleviate some of the stress, hopefully. Hang in there!

Jenn said...

Glad to see you again! Hang in there girl! Busy-ness is everywhere! I feel for you. I'm working a part time job in addition to my regular job, taking a nutrition class, trying to find time with the BF who has been working 6 days a week 6pm to 6am and my house is a disaster. I finally broke down and did some laundry so I have socks and undies... :)